Magnesium Checker Return

We want to send you a brand new replacement for your Hanna Magnesium Checker.

If you purchased your Magnesium Checker directly from Hanna Instruments UK please fill in the form below to arrange your free return and we will send you a replacement.

Further information:

When you purchased your Magnesium Checker it was the newest addition to our Checker range and we are now aware of a potential issue with our choice of liquid reagent which has turned out to be susceptible to aging more rapidly than we anticipated when exposed to heat.  Due to the exceptional hot weather experienced over the summer we have received reports from some customers of erroneous readings being obtained which are a result of the liquid reagent deteriorating due to exposure to high temperatures.

Of course we are not in control of the weather and so with the likelihood that we will experience similar hot summers in future we have taken the decision to withdraw the liquid reagent method and replace it with a powder reagent method.  This decision meant modifying the design of our Checkers and the packaging they are supplied within to accommodate the switch from liquid to powder reagents.

We are writing to you today to ask that you return your existing Checker and any unused liquid reagent so that we may replace it with a brand new Magnesium Checker complete with powder reagents. 

We will pay for the courier collection of your old liquid based Checker and we will pay for the delivery of your free of charge brand new powder reagent Magnesium Checker replacement. 

All we ask you to do is fill in the form on this page and provide us with an address plus some contact information for any further communications regarding the collection and delivery of your Checker so that our courier company can collect your old Checker from and deliver your new Checker to.

With apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

From all the team here at Hanna UK